To achieve the unique aerial perspective required for this drawing, Chad referred to photographs he took from a 75-foot-high platform. From this angle the viewer can see the ornate grounds, the details of the temple and spires, and the many beautiful fruit trees behind the temple.
President Howard W. Hunter counseled, “Let us truly be a temple-attending and a temple-loving people. We should hasten to the temple as frequently, yet prudently, as our personal circumstance allow. . . . As we attend the temple, we learn more richly and deeply the purpose of life and the significance of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ensign, February 1995, p. 5). To remind one of the importance of Christ’s atonement in temple work, the artist has subtly rendered the Savior’s image across the surface of the temple where the celestial room is located.
Chad Hawkins began creating a series of temple prints in 1989, at the age of seventeen, to support his two-year mission in the Germany Frankfurt Mission. After graduating from Weber State University with a bachelor of fine arts degree, he pursued an art career that has taken him to six continents and over 100 temple locations. He has sold over a million works of art and written and illustrated seven publications. He enjoys outdoor recreation, including cycling and running. His favorite place to be is anywhere with his wife and family.