- An Extra Volume Created
- Over 300 Pages Added!
- Additional books from the Old Testament added!
- Detailed explanations, commentary, and context added for a better understanding of the scriptures!
In our busy world, we sometimes find our scripture study isn't as productive as we'd like it to be. The solution is here with the complete boxed set of the third edition of the Old Testament Made Easier study guides! Along with the text of the Old Testament, these valuable books include in-the-verse notes and additional insights and commentary. This set is the ultimate study companion!
Quickly gain a basic understanding of this portion of the Old Testament with the help of brief notes within and between the verses, accompanied by bolding for teaching emphasis.
Example: Exodus 16:23
23 And he said unto them [explained the reason for gathering twice as much manna on Friday], This is that which the LORD hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD [tomorrow is a day of rest, the Sabbath on which we worship the Lord]: bake that which ye will bake [bake what you want] to day, and seethe [cook, boil] that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning [save the leftovers for tomorrow, the exact opposite of the normal rule-see verse 19, above].
Transfer these brief notes into your own scriptures to increase your understanding now and in the future.
- Quickly get help for specific verses or chapters.
- Use with your Come, Follow Me study.
- Review for a lesson, talk, or family night discussion.
David J. Ridges taught for the Church Educational System for thirty-five years. He taught adult religion and Know Your Religion classes for BYU Continuing Education and spoke at BYU Campus Education Week for many years. He has served as a curriculum writer for Sunday School, seminary, and Institute of Religion manuals. His callings in the Church include Gospel Doctrine teacher, bishop, stake president, and patriarch. He and his wife, Janette are the parents of six children and make their home in Springville, Utah.