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SKU: 1076639 He is Risen Musical Easter Tomb

He is Risen Musical Easter Tomb
Purchase He is Risen Musical Easter Tomb
  • SKU: 1076639 He is Risen Musical Easter Tomb

  • $24.99 $17.50   You Save: 30%

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The empty tomb; a symbol of the risen Savior. This Easter symbol is a reminder of the hope that Christ’s resurrection brings each one of us. As you cultivate a spirit of Christ throughout your home this Easter season, you can remember His victory over death and what it means for the world. This unique music box will play the song “He is Risen.” As you listen, your home and heart will be filled with peace.

“He is not here, but is risen.” (Luke 24:6)

Approximate size: 3.5 Inch (W) x 3.5 Inch (H) x 4 Inch (L)