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SKU: 1434538 He Restoreth My Soul

He Restoreth My Soul
Purchase He Restoreth My Soul
  • SKU: 1434538 He Restoreth My Soul

    Understanding and Breaking the Chemical and Spiritual Chains of Pornography through the Atonement of Jesus Christ

    Donald L Hilton

  • $19.95 $17.96   You Save: 10%

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Technology has accelerated our fascination with pleasure. Indeed, the power of pleasure has been underestimated, and Internet pornography is changing the world in a fundamental way.

In this book, author Donald L. Hilton Jr. MD explores the destructive power of pornography addiction, not just from a moral and spiritual perspective, but with the scrutiny of modern science. Current research tells us that there is little difference in physical or chemical changes in the pleasure and control centers of the brain regardless of whether the addiction is "from a chemical or an experience," as stated in the journal of Science. (Constance Holden, "Behavioral ADdictions: Do They Exist? Science, 294 (5544) 2 November 2001, 980.)

Relying on the latest research on addiction, and merging this knowledge with spiritual aspects of repentance and recovery, the author provides understanding and hope to those who seek healing and restoration of both body and spirit, which are the "soul of man."