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SKU: 1071955 Opening Isaiah a Harmony

Opening Isaiah a Harmony
Purchase Opening Isaiah a Harmony
  • SKU: 1071955 Opening Isaiah a Harmony

    Ann N. Madsen,Shon D. Hopkin

  • $24.99 $21.25   You Save: 15%

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Opening Isaiah provides what has never before been provided to LDS readers. It brings all important versions of Isaiah--King James, Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith Translation, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the modern New Revised Standard Version into comparison for readers to help them clearly see the similarities and differences in each one. Readers can thus study Isaiah's writings with a focus on the inspired texts themselves. In addition to beautiful maps that guide the reader through the geography of Isaiah's day, the editors have carefully provided guidance in footnotes to untangle difficult passages, point to important symbolism, and reveal historical context. This book may become the most important resource on Isaiah you will ever purchase.