"When my daughter reached her teenage years, I wanted her to arm herself daily with the Armour of God to be able to stand strong in her battle against the adversary. Searching for armour to use for her to wear as the model for the painting wasn’t an easy task. Armour is made to personally fit the warrior—isn’t that a great thought? Our own spiritual armour is forged personally in the home, piece by piece, and it’s personally repaired and polished after each battle. The principles taught by each piece of armour are the daily tasks that will protect us in life: truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Spirit, and the word of God." -Judy Cooley
Judy Cooley is a creator of joy. "My greatest joy and work is being a wife, mother, and grandmother. They are my inspiration." Like a true artist, Judy soaks up the beauties of life. Beyond doing art, she also skis, hikes, teaches yoga, and takes time to deeply study the scriptures. Her goal is to inspire others to find the light within themselves, and her testimony of Jesus Christ shines bright in the subjects she chooses to paint. Much of her artwork focuses on gospel living or, in other words, the true path to joy.