I am a princess! Little girls cherish this simple truth, but as the years advance and childhood fades, it becomes increasingly difficult to hold on to this statement. However, the eternal reality of those simple words is indisputable. Women are princesses, divine children of noble heritage. In her debut book, Wendy Ellison reminds women of that worth—constant, unchanging, and inherent as daughters of God. Now is the time for women to claim that marvelous heritage, to be kinder to self and others, and to truly live in a manner befitting royalty. Featuring scriptural references, prophetic quotes, and personal insights, Worth: Divine Beginnings, Happy Endings will inspire readers to see the evidence of individual worth all around—in the love of our Savior, in our Father’s plan of salvation, and in countless other ways too often overlooked. By learning to hold on to the true definition of worth and to silence those outside influences that interfere with self-esteem, every woman can be empowered to dismiss self-doubt and to embrace the princess within.