I placed an order on SeagullBook.com before March 10, 2025. Will it still be shipped?
Absolutely! Any orders placed on SeagullBook.com before March 10, 2025, will be processed and shipped as usual. Once your order is on its way, you’ll receive a tracking number sent to the email tied to your account.

I have a SeagullBook.com e-gift card. Is it still valid?
Yes, your e-gift card remains usable! Our sister company, Deseret Book, is happy to honor all existing SeagullBook.com e-gift cards. To exchange it for a new e-gift card usable on DeseretBook.com, email service@deseretbook.com with your e-gift card number and its issue date.

What’s happening with SeagullBook.com?
We’re joining forces with our sister company, Deseret Book, to enhance your online shopping experience. Moving forward, we’ll serve our eCommerce customers through DeseretBook.com.

Why switch to DeseretBook.com?
This collaboration aims to elevate your shopping journey by offering a broader range of uplifting products—like books, gifts, and art—all in one easy-to-use place on DeseretBook.com.

When will this change take place?
The transition of SeagullBook.com’s eCommerce site to DeseretBook.com begins on Monday, March 10, 2025. After this date, SeagullBook.com will still be available for finding store locations and browsing our latest catalog.

How does this affect Seagull Book retail stores?
Our physical Seagull Book stores aren’t going anywhere! They’ll continue to provide the same great savings and friendly service you’ve always enjoyed.

What’s the status of the 3-inch Christus statue?
Great news! The popular 3” Christus statue will remain available at Seagull Book stores and will now also be sold exclusively online at DeseretBook.com for an unbeatable new price of $4.99.

Who do I contact to submit a product to be sold at Seagull Book stores?
You can submit your product proposal via email to retailbuying@seagullbook.com.

Please include the following information:

  • All pricing information (retail and cost)

  • Company terms and policies

  • Contact person and email address

  • Description of product, dimensions and images

  • Marketing plans

  • BOOKS: Image of cover, full manuscript in a Word document or PDF

  • ART: If this submission is art related, please use the Art Submission Form.